dilluns, 18 de novembre del 2019


Hi pupils of 6th grade,

Today you are going to watch a video. Alex is with his friends, Elena and Cory, and they are talking about themselves. Elena is funny, Cory is shy and Alex is... Well, Alex is Alex.

After watching the video, write in a comment three sentences comparing two of them. You can use some of this adjectives: fast - slow - tall - short - old - young...

23 comentaris:

  1. Hi my name is Pablo Santos this are my sentences:
    Alex is shorter than Cory.
    Cory is faster than Alex.
    Elena is younger than Alex.
    Bye bye...

  2. Hello!My name is Izan Sanchez there is my answers:
    Alex is taller than Cory.
    Cory is faster than Alex.
    Elena is very funny.

  3. Hello!
    Cory is faster than Alex
    Alex is taller than Cory
    Elena is oldest

  4. MariaPadillaAranzana6èB18 de novembre del 2019, a les 19:31

    Hello! I’m Maria and my sentences are:
    Alex is slower tan Cory.
    Cory is shrter tan Alex.
    Alex is younger tan Cory.
    Bye, Bye :)

  5. Hello Dolors, I'm Tomàs and these are my sentences:
    Alex is taller than Curley.
    Curley is faster than Alex.
    Helena is younger than Alex and Curley, she is the youngest.

  6. Hi Dolors!!! There are my sentences are:
    Elena is funnier than Cory.
    Cory is faster than Alex.
    Alex is older than Elena.
    Bye bye Dolors!!!!!

  7. Hi!!
    My name is Anna and this is my comment.
    Elena is the funnyer than Alex but Carrie is nicer than Elena.
    Alex is older than Elena.
    Carrie is faster than Alex.

  8. heloooooo,my name is Santi.
    Alex is older than Corina.
    Alex is taller than Inard.
    Alex is slower than inard

  9. Hello Dolors, I'm Eloi Monedero and this is my comment.
    Alex is taller than Cory but Cory is faster.
    Cory is younger than Alex.
    Alex is taller than Cory

  10. Hello Dolors, I'm Eloi Rius.6è B
    1.Alex is older than Elena
    2.Cory is faster than Alex
    3.Alex is taller than Cory
    BYE BYE Dolors.

  11. Hi im Joan Villén Rol.
    My sentences are:
    Cory is faster than Alex.
    Alex is slower than Cory.
    Alex is older than Elena.

  12. Alan is faster than Sergio.
    Danna is younger than Pablo S.
    Alex is taller than Iker.

    Biel Jorge Almazan

  13. Hello, I´m Aura and this is my sentences :
    1. Alex is slower than Cory.
    2. Elena is younger than Alex.
    3. Cory is taller than Alex.

  14. Hi! I'm Danna and my sentences are:
    1. Alex is taller than Cory.
    2 Core is faster than Alex.
    3.Elena is younger than Alex.

  15. Hi! I'm Roger
    My three sentences are:
    - Cory is faster than Alex
    - Alex is taller than Cory
    - Cory is younger than Alex

  16. Hi my nace is Eric Q.My comparisions are:
    Alex is older than Lina.
    Alex is taller than Cory.
    Cory is faster than Alex.
    Lina is younger than Alex.
    Alex is slower than Cory.
    Cory is shorter than Alex.
    Alex is Bigger yuan Cory.

  17. Hi!I'm Mohamed and these are my sentences:
    Alex is older than Elena.
    Elena is less competitive than Alex.
    Cory is faster than Alex.


  18. Hi. My name is Joan Gutierrez and my sentences are:

    1: Alex is older than Elena.

    2: Cory is faster than Alex.

    3: Alex is taller than Cory

  19. Cory is shier than Alex.
    Alex is slower than Cory.
    Alex is taller than Cory

  20. Hola soc l'Aina i aquestes son les Neves frases:
    Alex is older than Elena.
    Alex is slower than Cory.
    Cory is taller than Alex.

  21. Hi I’m Meritxell and my sentences are:

    Alex is taller than Cary.
    Cary is faster than Alex.
    Elena is funniest.

  22. Hi!I am the Farah.
    Alex is nicer than Cory.
    Cory is faster than Alex.
    Alex is taller than Cory.

  23. Hi!I'm Iker and these are my sentences:Cory is faster than Alex,Alex is taller than Cory and Elena is younger than Alex.
