Aquest és el blog del Tram dels Grans de l'Escola Pau Casals de Montmeló (4t, 5è i 6è).
Hi!I like the tongue twisters but there are difficult to say!Dolors, you can put in the bloc the quiz?Bye bye
Yes, I'm going to upload the quizzes but I need time. It will be in a few days. Have a nice weekend!
Hello! Dolor I love the tonguer twister!
ResponEliminaI like the tongue twisters but there are difficult to say!
Dolors, you can put in the bloc the quiz?
Bye bye
Yes, I'm going to upload the quizzes but I need time. It will be in a few days.
EliminaHave a nice weekend!
Hello! Dolor I love the tonguer twister!