divendres, 23 de març del 2018

L'últim dia abans de vacances de Setmana Santa, compartim un dia amb tot el cicle. 
Al matí, hem anat al Teatre Regina de Barcelona a veure l'obra Aladdín (per cert, ha estat genial!). Va d'una banda de rock que es presenta a un concurs de grups i, a l'últim moment, se li espatlla la guitarra.
I per la tarda, hem fet jocs de taula repartits en quatre espais diferents.
Bones vacances!!!! 👏👏👏

dimarts, 20 de març del 2018


Pupils of 6th level have been preparing riddles. Here you can find only some examples, but there are more in class.

Can you solve them?  Read the clues and you will get the answer letter by letter.

diumenge, 18 de març del 2018


Hola nois i noies de cinquè!!

Aquí teniu les paraules imprescindibles d'aquesta setmana.

dissabte, 17 de març del 2018


Os adjunto el power para que os ayude en la elaboración de vuestra infografía. Si lo visionáis completo veréis que he añadido alguna infografía mas.

dimarts, 13 de març del 2018



Here you can watch two more videos.

- Martina, Aroa and Elisabeth cooked delicious PANCAKES.

- Lander, Quim and Adrian G. prepared a wonderful CAKE.

- Nahia, Alexandra and Candela O. made a tasty BISCUITS CAKE. But I can't upload her power point. Here you can see them cooking.

- Jana, Lucia, Rocio and  Greta prepared PANCAKES too, but they were ARTISTIC PANCAKES.   Unfortunately there was a problem with the video and they can't share it.

dissabte, 10 de març del 2018



Our pupils of 5th grade became chefs, at least, for one day. They wrote recipes and then they prepared them at home. Their mums and dads helped them and recorded the videos.

Thanks to all for your effort.  Here you can see the videos. Enjoy them!

1. Elia, Paula, Ingrid and Firdaous prepared a delicious CHOCOLATE CAKE.

2. Aitana, Candela C., Martina S. and Martina V. made  FUN PANCAKES. Yummy! (And they invited Paula to taste them)

3. Eric and Saber prepared a complete meal: SALAD, POTATOES AND CHICKEN BATTER. A good idea for your menus!

4. Dani, Iker, Sasha and Sira cooked wonderful SAN JACOBOS. 

5.  Roger, Unax, Marc and Ferran prepared some PIZZAS.

6. More PIZZA. These are prepared by Alejandro, David, Adrian R. and Manuel.

7. And now a bit of green. Raul, Eidan and Aaron preapared a full SALAD.

8. Marc, Alex and Dylan made CUBAN STYLE RICE.

9. Júlia, Issam, Diego and Biel cooked a delicios PIZZA.


divendres, 9 de març del 2018


Hola nois i noies de 5è, aquí teniu el pwp per preparar-vos les paraules d'aquesta setmana, som-hi!

dilluns, 5 de març del 2018


Bon dia, us deixo el bloc d'ortografia que ens hem d'estudiar aquests dies.